Known Bug: If you try to control a fish during its death animation you will get zoomed outside the map. In this case press "Esc" and restart the game.

Thank you for trying our game "Feeding Into Extinct".

You can play in the browser but for a better experience, it is recommended to download the Windows version.

Your goal as the "Malicious Squid" is to cause extinction for all other fishes (to keep only one fish alive).


Movement: Using the mouse Cursor.

Sensitivity: You can change it by pressing the Escape button while in-game.

Here are the game rules:

-Each fish can only eat one other kind of fish and can be eaten only by one kind of fish, as shown in this figure.

And All the fish can eat the squid (You).

-You can At any time approach any fish from above to take control of it using squid Super evil powers.

-While controlling this fish you can eat what it can eat. other fish can also eat each other when you are controlling them. (But others will not be able to eat you).

-But be aware!! any fish that can eat the fish you are controlling will be able to eat you both, and you lose the game.

-If one species becomes extinct so early and it will be impossible for you to cause mass extension you will also lose.

The game is challenging and you need to balance all the fish species and decrease them gradually. Sometimes you will be trying to eat as many of one kind and for others, you should try to protect it from extinction too early, so feel free to Reverse the Roles 😉

For more clarity please watch the video tutorial 👉

You can press "Esc" at any time to pause the game and control the mouse sensitivity for a better experience.


Feeding Into 45 MB


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It is a really interesting game! It has a steep learning curve, but once you get it, it becomes really fun!

I would love if you could also comment on my game as well: